Don't miss the most effecient radio APP in 2024!

Just hear what you like, no matter where, when and how you want it.

No ads bothering

All NOS available without stars

Record your favorite radios *

Slow down live radios *

Frequently asked questions

FLTA APP only loads your favorite and lately updated radios **

Why can't I see my favorite radios?

Please add them to your favorite on fltaradio.com in your browser.

How to play with screen off on Android phones?

Most Android devices support screen-off play by default. You can set "Battery manager", or something related to that, not to monitor FLTA APP. You can also disable "Power saving mode" to make sure FLTA APP works well in the background.

How can I set language in APP?

The default language of FLTA APP is English. You can set up your preferred language: tap on the menu -> settings -> language.
Please Note that podcasts and comments are unavailable when the language is set to "English".

Where's the NOS?

Tap on the radio logo on the left in the player at the bottom, and you'll meet the NOS.

Why can't I see my lately recorded files?

When the recording is done, please tap on the Fltaradio.com logo in the top left corner to refresh the App.

* Some radios may not support the functions of recording and/or slowing.
** Live TV is not supported in FLTA App at present, and Apple App will be released later.